Add a custom linkification filter

This feature is only available to organization administrators.

Linkifiers make it easy to refer to issues or tickets in third party issue trackers, like GitHub, Salesforce, Zendesk, and others. For instance, you can add a filter that automatically turns #2468 into a link to

  1. Go to Linkifiers.

  2. Under Add a new linkifier, enter a Pattern and URL format string.

  3. Click Add linkifier.

If the pattern appears in a message topic, uKnowva Messenger can't linkify the topic itself, since clicking on a topic narrows to that topic. So uKnowva Messenger instead provides a little button to the right of the topic that links to the appropriate URL.

Understanding linkification patterns

This is best explained by example.

Hash followed by a number of any length.

  • Pattern: #(?P<id>[0-9]+)
  • URL format string:
  • Original text: #2468
  • Automatically links to:

String of hexadecimal digits between 7 and 40 characters long.

  • Pattern: (?P<id>[0-9a-f]{7,40})
  • URL format string:
  • Original text: abdc123
  • Automatically links to:

Generic GitHub `org/repo#ID format:

  • Pattern: (?P<org>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/(?P<repo>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)#(?P<id>[0-9]+)
  • URL format string:
  • Original text: zulip/zulip#2468
  • Automatically links to:

Linkifiers can be very useful, but also complicated to set up. If you have any trouble setting these up, please email with a few examples of "Original text" and "Automatically links to" and we'll be happy to help you out.